Tuesday, February 8, 2011


In less than 2 hours (according to UPS tracking)I should be in possession of a shiny new iPhone.....I'm am so excited! I have been a Blackberry gal for like 6 or 7 years, so switching to a new phone it totally exciting (wow, as I write this I realize how cheesy I am!).

In honor of my soon to be new baby, what are your favorite apps?

Hook a sister up!


Barbara Brownyard said...


Y is for Yogini said...

i'm an iPhone girl all the way. welcome to the club, m'lady. :) you will LOVE yours.

Erin Conley said...

Congrats on all your recent work and accomplishments, Liz...and your new iPhone too! I'm almost on my 1 year anniversary with my iPhone, and I'm still totally in love with it. I've been experimenting with running apps the last few months with varying results: Kinetic, Run Pace Calc, iMapMyRun. Of course, you're also talking to the person who has the FortuneBall (Magic 8 Ball) app on her phone...although it IS correct 90% of the time...I'm just saying! Have fun with your new phone!