Ok, so this back thing really sucks. I'm 5 sessions in with the chiropractor and I'm not feeling better, I get the whole it might get worse before it gets better line, but I'm ready for some healing!! We narrowed the pain down to the T4 and T5 section, which he said is the hardest to heal because it's an area that is always moving (or something like that), which I believe, the weirdest movements cause me pain, like slightly bending over to brush my teeth....I'm guessing that I'm going to have perfect posture by the time this is all over! I'm just hoping that the time and money is worth it, because it's taking up a big chunk of both!
Well despite being uncomfortable, I managed to get a few workouts in this week! I got in 2 teeny tiny runs, a yoga class (just no plow pose) and my tap class with the girls. I may take a yoga class tonight for some stretching, then it's back to the chiro tomorrow then off to VT to ski. On a side note I did discuss my level of activity with the Doc and he said it was OK, so I'm going with it for now. I'm cautious with my level of exertion, so I don't think I'm doing more harm than good...
On a side note, I had the most delish frozen dinner last night! On a whim I bought the Kashi Mayan Harvest Bake and my god was it good! I usually stay away from the frozen stuff unless it's a veggie burger, but this looked so good that I just had to try it. For rizz, this may have been the best thing I've had in a while!! Go out and try it (an sadly Kashi does not read my blog, so I'm not endorsing them or anything where I would have to have a disclaimer about this delish dish).
I'm so sorry to hear about your back troubles! I know you've probably heard from both sides of the issue, but stick with the chiropractor a bit longer. It does really take some time to get things "straightened out" (pun intended). When I was training for my half-marathon last year, I begna to get a sharp pain in my lower back that extended down into my left hip. It took a visit a week for about eight weeks to my chiropractor, but he got the job done so that I could run my race pain-free. Speaking of which...you're situation has reminded me to call my doc and get in there soon for a good 'ol adjustment. Better to be proactive rather than wait for something to go wrong. I hope that you are feeling better soon!
I hope you feel better soon. Now that I do a lot of yoga, I find myself correcting my posture. And it just feels good to stand taller.
isn't this back pain a b*tch? I'm still dealing with mine and i think it's been 3 or maybe 4 weeks now. i haven't gone to the doctor yet though. i'm so stubborn!
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