Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Gym!

Holy Moley, I joined a new gym.  Like a real globo gym with sales people and everything.  It was weird and I felt icky, but I'm pretty happy about it now and I'm done feeling all guilty for leaving my gym of 8 years.  I've only been a handful of times but so far so good.  I swam twice and took a spin class and LOVED it! Sometimes change is good!

Being back in the pool has been pretty cool.  I love swimming and if I'm going to"tri" this summer I need to get my swim on.  The pool is 25 meters, 3 lanes, clean and not too crowded.  Last night I swam 40 laps with ease.  I was mainly working on form and breathing, speed will come, so will the distance. 

Tonight I go back for a session with the trainer.  He'll do all that body fat stuff that I'm dreading and show me some machines.  I'm pretty ok with my strength training, but I feel like I have no idea where anything is, this place is huge!  I guess I'm most excited about the in depth tour.  This guy also knows that I was a Crossfitter so we are planning on really utilizing the free weight section which is cool.  I've heard a lot of Crossfitters talk about how "globo" gyms hate on the Crossfit methodology and don't want they members doing any of the wods.  I'm not sure I'm going to bust out a huge complex wod, but it's nice to know I can still do clean and jerks and stuff like that.

Overall I'm really happy with this new place.  I'm excited to spend time there and I'm even more relived about my decision to quit CF

In addition to all the swimming and spinning last week, I also ran a bunch.  Running partner and I cleared 3 miles Wednesday and Sunday I ran 4 before my best day ever.  After the gym tour I'm planning on a speed session on the 'mill. 

Oh, and the food has been pretty good too!!


kilax said...

You are on a roll!

Happy you are loving the new gym. I would love to have access to a pool! I like to imagine I would kick butt at swimming like you do :)

Sarah K said...

Nice! I'm so jealous of your "tri" plans! I want to get in the pool so badly.